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WM Capital Management, 8 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY

Information for advisers

About Unicorn Asset Management

Unicorn is a specialist AIM, small and mid-cap manager, investing in AIM stocks since 2000. About a quarter of the £1.4 billion Unicorn manages is in AIM stocks, which they have been investing in since 2000.

Unicorn has a well-resourced, committed and highly experienced investment team with approximately 100 years combined experience.

The Unicorn AIM IHT portfolios were launched in 2016 and are managed by Chris Hutchinson, who is also the lead manager for the Unicorn AIM VCT. The IHT portfolios often invests in businesses Unicorn has known for years and which were previously backed by the VCT.

About WM Capital Management

WM Capital Management is a discretionary investment management company, managing assets on behalf of private clients, trusts, organisations, and professional intermediaries.

WM’s role within the Unicorn AIM IHT & ISA Portfolio Service is to provide discretionary portfolio management and administrative services for investors. These include; processing applications, handling technical queries regarding the service, executing trade instructions, and quarterly investment reporting, as well as being the first port of call for any general enquiries.

WM has an experienced team with expertise in portfolio management, client servicing, and financial advice, as well as managing funds.

Among the dross there are some great businesses. But you have to filter through the ones that over-promise, under-deliver, burn through cash or are too specialist. Whittle them down to around 40 and you stand a good chance of getting some decent returns.


Chris Hutchinson,
Unicorn Asset Management


Investing via Platforms

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Want to find out more?

If you have any questions regarding the Unicorn AIM IHT & ISA Portfolio Service, please contact our dedicated team on 020 8187 9208 or email