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WM Capital Management, 8 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY

Fourth Industrial Revolution Portfolio

Investing in companies that are helping to solve some of the world’s problems as well as making high returns from doing so is the ultimate investment.

We are living in an age of unprecedented technological development and we have seen how the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the exponential growth of technology in our lives. One only has to compare their current smart phone to what they had five years ago and then imagine what it will do in another five years to realise. The rapid changes in technology also bring incredible investment opportunities. The WM Fourth Industrial Revolution Fund is being set up to exploit these opportunities.
The WM Fourth Industrial Revolution portfolio is available to IFAs and their clients on most of the major platforms.

About the Portfolio

Investing in companies that help solve some of the world’s problems as well as making high returns from doing so is the ultimate investment. This is what the Fourth Industrial Revolution Portfolio attempts to achieve.

The portfolio was set up for clients of IFAs by Chris Moore, after extensive discussions with two of the leading thinkers in the technology field – Dr David Brown and Eoin Treacy. All three saw how the new industrial revolution was becoming extremely investable and that there was nothing available to specifically invest in this area.

Portfolio Objective

The portfolio has an objective of long term capital growth but as this is a high-risk portfolio, it can suffer significant falls.

The aim of the Fourth Industrial Revolution portfolio is to outperform against its benchmark-the MSCI World Index. It will invest 100% in Equities, mainly in specialist funds that will benefit from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Portfolio is suitable for an 8/10 (high risk) investor but has a tolerance band so that it can drift between a 7 and a 9 risk profile (highest medium risk to very high risk). The tolerance band is very helpful as it allows the portfolio to lower the risk during difficult economic times and increase the risk if asset classes are trending higher.

Our story

The portfolio was established in 2016 by Chris Moore, a professional financial adviser and investment manager. Chris felt that his investors deserved access to invest in some of the world’s leading companies whom are intent on improving the lives of millions. There were specific Funds that invested in technology and biotech but not encapsulated the full investment remit that the Fourth Industrial Revolution portfolio will affect.

The concept was simple, Chris wanted to be able to independently invest in one portfolio that invest in areas such as computing, IT, internet companies and social media, biotechnology, Solar power,3D printing,Robotics, Nanotechnology, Internet-of-Things, machine learning /AI, new finance and new industries not yet developed. He also wanted to ensure that the portfolio tried to avoid those sectors that were in bubble territory that were not yet ready to invest – think technology in 1999 and Crypto currency recently. Therefore with Eoin and Dr David Brown’s involvement, he built a process that identified when was a good time to invest.

The portfolio also provides clients with a high risk portfolio that is usually reserved with investing in emerging market equities. Time and time again high risk investments have not delivered and returns from these types of portfolios have under delivered. The Fourth Industrial Revolution portfolio has so far produced exceptional returns for those clients that wanted to take a higher risk as well as invest in some of the companies that are helping to solve the world’s problems.

Interested in finding out more about this portfolio or have any questions regarding it?

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